Outdoor Lighting Installation in Miami
Having the best outdoor landscape lighting design is just the first step towards having the best outdoor landscape lighting you want. Depending on the type of outdoor landscape lighting installation you need completing will determine the final steps to installation. Residential landscape lighting and commercial landscape lighting will have different aspects to consider for installation.
When does your Miami outdoor landscape lighting installation process start?
The installation process is the most important aspect of bringing out the best in your property. The installation process can start after all the landscaping has ended and the planning of the lighting design is complete. Request your no cost outdoor lighting design plan and night time demo here. https://eosoutdoorlighting.com/free-estimate/
Meanwhile, the installation of low voltage lighting can proceed along with the landscaping since it does not need trenching and will not disturb the landscape. The installation of outdoor lighting on the hardscape fixtures will be integrated into the hardscape. For a fully integrated installation on a pre-existing hardscape feature, the wires will be hidden in the structure.
The Process of Outdoor Landscape Lighting Installation in Miami
The existing landscape should not be damaged by the installation of low voltage outdoor lighting. It requires no major digging or trenching, and should be done after the completion of the landscaping for minimal disruption to avoid likely damaging of equipment put in place during installation, in case the finished landscape deviates from the original landscape plan.
Installing the lighting transformer
The standard power source is the unswitched 120v outdoor receptacle. The lighting transformer will be plugged into the outdoor receptacle permanently. So, it is required that the receptacle incorporates a ground fault circuit interrupter device (GFCI). The recent National Electrical Code rules need that a raintight-in-use cover is fixed to make sure that the receptacle cover closes the transformer cord plug.
The transformer is mounted close to the receptacle, such that no extension cord is used. The locations of the fixtures are marked with the main low voltage supply cable laid on the ground within 3 feet of each fixture. The fixtures will be mounted on a stake and connected to the main supply cable by a lighter gauge wire via pierce-point attachments that prevent the cutting and splicing of cables.
The transformer is switched on after fixtures are assembled, lamped, mounted, and connected to the main supply cable. After checking, recording, and adjusting all fixtures operating the voltage, the transformer controls are programmed for an automatic function for the client’s specified operation hours.
After installation nighttime lighting review
Before the project is completed, the after dark review of the lighting effects is carried out to ensure that the lighting meets the needs and requirements of the client. This gives the client the opportunity to experience the lighting and highlight changes and corrections to meet the project’s requirements. The exposed wiring is then covered by mulch, tampered into a slit in turf or hidden in the ground after final approval.
If you are searching for outdoor landscape lighting installation in Miami, EOS Outdoor Lighting is your best choice. At EOS Outdoor Lighting, we offer high-quality craftsmanship and give attention to details. Besides using high-quality materials, our charges are one of the best you can find around. Contact us today, we look forward to working with you.
Free Consultation & Night time Demonstrations
Meet with a professional lighting designer & see your property’s full potential.
We will come to your property and give you a custom outdoor lighting plan at no cost. There is also no hassle and no purchase obligation. Schedule a night-time demonstration & consultation today! Simply enter your details here.